Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan <p align="justify"><a href="https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/index">JIPPM: Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat</a> (<a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1607689777" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e_ISSN : 2775-7145</a> &amp; <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20231126141759130" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p_ISSN : 3030-9298</a>) is a journal published by the Department of Agricultural Extension, Halu Oleo University. The Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat is a vehicle for the publication of writings or scientific works of scientific people whose fields of study meet the focus and scope of The Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat. The focus and scope of The Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat, including :</p> <ol> <li>Agricultural Extension,</li> <li>Development Communication,</li> <li>Community Development and Empowerment,</li> <li>Agricultural Sociology and Anthropology,</li> <li>Human Resource Management,</li> <li>Agricultural Leadership and Institutions,</li> <li>Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Innovation System,</li> <li>Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture,</li> <li>Education and Learning Media,</li> <li>Community Capital,</li> <li>Agriculture and Rural Resilience,</li> <li>Human Ecology,</li> <li>Agribusiness Communication, and</li> <li>Agricultural Communication and Digital Technology.</li> </ol> en-US journal_jippm@uho.ac.id (Prof. Iskandar Zainuddin Rela, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D.) journal_jippm@uho.ac.id (Dr. Salahuddin, S.P., M.Sc.) Wed, 11 Sep 2024 04:38:08 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PEMBERDAYAAN PETANI MELALUI PERAN KELOMPOK TANI PADI SAWAH DI KELURAHAN BARUGA KECAMATAN BARUGA https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/30 <p>Farmer empowerment is expected to have an impact on increasing the role of wet-rice farmer groups, thereby encouraging the welfare of farmers and their families. The objective of this study is to ascertain the extent of farmer empowerment and the role of paddy rice farmer groups in Baruga Subdistrict, as well as to examine the relationship between the two. The study population consisted of all wet-rice farmers (N = 197) who were members of 13 wet-rice farmer groups. The sample size was calculated using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 15%, resulting in a sample size of 30 respondents for the study. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis with the assistance of questionnaires, which were administered via the media. The variables under investigation in this study are farmer empowerment and the role of farmer groups. The data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using the interval formula and the Spearman rank correlation formula. The results demonstrated that the empowerment of wet-rice farmers in Baruga Subdistrict has been effectively implemented. This is evidenced by the elevated levels of awareness and aspiration, the enhanced capacity to overcome challenges, and the elevated levels of ability to collaborate in farmer empowerment activities. The role of farmer groups in paddy rice farming has been fulfilled effectively, as evidenced by the fulfillment of each role of farmer groups, namely the role as a vehicle for learning, a vehicle for cooperation, and a production unit. The relationship between farmer empowerment and the role of paddy rice farmer groups is statistically significant, with a correlation coefficient value of 0.007. This indicates that as farmer empowerment improves, the role of paddy rice farmer groups in Baruga Village also improves.</p> Wa Ode Santi, Awaluddin Hamzah, Yoenita Jayadisastra Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/30 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 MODAL SOSIAL PETANI DALAM USAHATANI TANAMAN CENGKEH DI DESA NGGELE KECAMATAN TALIABU BARAT LAUT KABUPATEN PULAU TALIABU https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/17 <p>This study aims to determine the social capital of farmers in clove farming in Nggele Village, Northwest Taliabu Sub-district, Taliabu Island Regency. The research population is all people who work as clove farmers in Nggele Village, Northwest Taliabu Subdistrict, Taliabu Island Regency, totalling 400 people. The sample was determined using the Slovin formula by taking an error rate of 15% so that the research sample amounted to 40 clove farmers. The research data were collected using observation, interview and documentation methods with the help of media or instruments in the form of questionnaires. This research uses a quantitative analysis approach. Data were analyzed by a quantitative descriptive method using the class interval formula. The results showed that social capital owned by clove farmers is categorized as good, meaning that farmers in Nggele Village, Northwest Taliabu Sub-district, have implemented the elements of social capital well, namely social networks, institutions, and trust. Clove farming in Nggele Village is categorized as good, meaning that farmers in Nggele Village experience harvest every year. This can be seen from the activities of farmers in the cultivation of clove plants which are carried out well at the stages of cultivation, namely land cultivation, use of seeds, watering, fertilization, and pest control.</p> Nining Adniar, Salahuddin Salahuddin, La Ode Kasno Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/17 Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 METODE PENYULUHAN PERTANIAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS PADI SAWAH DI KELURAHAN BARUGA KECAMATAN BARUGA KOTA KENDARI https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/31 <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the most effective cultivation techniques and yield potential of paddy rice in the Baruga subdistrict of Kendari City. The study population consisted of all rice paddy farmers in the Baruga subdistrict of Kendari City, numbering 287 individuals. The sample size was determined using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 20%, resulting in a sample of 34 respondents. The research sample was selected using the simple random sampling method. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis, with the assistance of media in the form of questionnaires. The variables under investigation in this study were agricultural extension methods and the productivity of paddy rice farming. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to identify the most effective agricultural extension method and to determine the optimal productivity formula for paddy rice farming in Baruga Village. The results demonstrated that the agricultural extension methods conducted by extension workers in Baruga Village, Kendari City, were primarily classified into three categories: anjangsana, demonstration, and internet extension methods. The demonstration method, encompassing both plot and method demonstrations, was the most prevalent and well-received among wet-rice farmers. The average productivity of paddy rice in Baruga Subdistrict, Kendari City, in 2023 was 4.34 tons/ha.</p> Hikmah Rahmizani, Dasmin Sidu, Sukmawati Abdullah Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/31 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFEKTIVITAS MEDIA CETAK POSTER DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN PETANI TENTANG PENGENDALIAN HAMA PENYAKIT TANAMAN PADI SAWAH DI DESA LAMBUDONI KECAMATAN ANDOWIA KABUPATE KONAWE UTARA https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/32 <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the efficacy of printed media, specifically posters, in enhancing farmers' understanding of pest and disease control in paddy rice plants. The study population consisted of all rice farmers in Lambudoni Village, Andowia Subdistrict, with a total of 187 farmers comprising nine farmer groups. The number of research samples was determined using the Slovin formula with a degree of error set at 15% (0.15), resulting in a sample size of 36 respondents. The research sample was selected through the use of the simple random sampling method. The data collection techniques involved the distribution of posters regarding the control of pests and diseases of paddy rice plants, accompanied by a list of questions in the form of a questionnaire. The data were subjected to descriptive and quantitative analysis. This research was designed as a true experimental design with a pre-test post-test control group. Subsequently, the efficacy of the media can be evaluated through the implementation of a media effectiveness test. The results demonstrated that the utilization of printed media in the form of posters in agricultural extension activities, with a composition of 60:40 (picture: writing), has been proven to be an effective approach in enhancing the knowledge of wetland rice farmers in controlling pests and diseases in Lambudoni Village, Andowia District, North Konawe Regency. The composition of a poster is an important factor in conveying messages and extension information to farmers. The use of images on a poster can help farmers to focus more on the information presented and to understand the content more easily.</p> Disahrani Putri Wulandari, Ima Astuty Wunawarsih, Salahuddin Salahuddin Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/32 Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 HUBUNGAN KEPUASAN PETANI JAGUNG TERHADAP KINERJA PENYULUH PERTANIAN DI DESA MOROME KECAMAAN KONDA KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/33 <p>The phenomenon of corn farmer satisfaction is still an important indicator for extension workers. In this case, the performance of extension workers is a point that can determine farmer satisfaction based on the problems faced by farmers so that solutions and innovations by extension workers can be delivered with the main objective of farmers' needs. This research aims to determine the satisfaction of corn farmers and the performance of extension workers in Morome Village, Konda District, South Konawe Regency, and to see the relationship. The population in this study were all corn farmers in Morome Village, Konda District. Considering that the population is only 30 Corn Farmers, it is appropriate to take all of them as samples without having to take a certain number of samples (saturated sample method/census). Data collection techniques in this research were observation, interviews and documentation. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Type of quantitative research. The data analysis used to determine the satisfaction of corn farmers and the performance of agricultural instructors is using the class interval formula, while the data analysis used to determine the relationship between corn farmer satisfaction and the performance of agricultural instructors is using the Spearman rank correlation formula. The results of this research show that general farmer satisfaction in Morome Village is in the high category. This can be seen from the aspects of quality, service and value which are in the high category, then the performance of agricultural instructors in Morome Village is generally in the high category too. This can be seen from the aspects of extension planning, implementation of extension, evaluation and reporting which are in the high category. Farmer satisfaction has a positive and very close relationship with the performance of instructors in agricultural extension activities in Morome Village. Where when farmer satisfaction increases, the performance of extension workers also increases and vice versa.</p> Abdul Samad, Sukmawati Abdullah, Tjandra Buana Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/33 Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DAMPAK PEMBANGUNAN BENDUNGAN LADONGI TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS USAHATANI PADI SAWAH DI KABUPATEN KOLAKA TIMUR https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/29 <p>This study aims to find out how much pepper productions is in Mowila District, Konawe Selatan Regency, and what factors influence pepper productions in Mowila District, Konawe Selatan Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis and Cobb-Douglas analysis. The population and sample in this study were pepper farmers with 75 respondents taken from Mowila, Mataiwoi and Rakawuta villages. The determination of the sample was carried out using the Simple Random Sampling technique, with an error rate of 15% of the total population. The research results obtained showed that most of the age of pepper farmers ranged from 15-54 years, farming experience of more than 10 years, the education level of the majority of pepper farmers had high school education, the number of dependents was 1-4 people/head of family, the average land area (Ha) -The highest average of land used is 3 Ha and the lowest average of land used is 1 Ha, while the highest annual production rate reaches 1,500 kg and the lowest production level is 500 kg. The second research objective was analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS version 23 software. The results showed that the highest pepper production in the villages of Mowila, Mataiwoi and Rakauta reached 1,500 kg/year and the lowest pepper production was 500 kg/year. Whereas the average pepper production in Mowila village is 961.8 kg/year, the average pepper production in Mataiwoi village is 921.4 kg/year and for the average pepper production in Rakauta village it reaches 1070.8 kg/year. Year. The factors that influence the production of pepper farming in Mowila Village, Mataiwoi Village and Rakawuta Village, Mowila District, South Konawe Regency which have a positive and significant influence are land area, farming experience, and pesticides, while those that are not significant in pepper production are fertilizer and labor.</p> I Wayan Yogayana, Marsuki Iswandi, La Ode Alwi Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/29 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERSEPSI PETANI DAN PERAN KELAMBAGAAN PERKUMPULAN PETANI PEMAKAI AIR (P3A) PADA SISTEM IRIGASI USAHATANI PADI SAWAH DI DESA SINDANGKASIH KECAMATAN RANOMEETO BARAT KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/34 <p>This research is motivated by the observation of a phenomenon occurring in Sindangkasih Village, wherein irrigation systems encounter challenges with water availability during the cultivation of paddy rice plants. The objective of this study is to ascertain the perceptions of farmers with regard to the irrigation system and the role of the Water User Farmers Association (P3A) in the irrigation system. The study population consisted of all P3A members in Sindangkasih Village, numbering 126 individuals. The research sample was determined using the Slovin formula with a degree of error/margin of error of 15%, resulting in a sample size of 33 respondents. The samples were selected through the use of simple random techniques. The data were collected through observation and interviews, with questionnaires used as instruments. The variables under investigation in this study are farmers' perceptions of irrigation systems and the institutional role of the Water User Farmers Association (P3A). This study employed a quantitative methodology. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the class interval formula. The findings indicate that the perception of wet-rice farmers in Sindangkasih Village regarding the irrigation system remains inadequate. Despite the availability of water for the irrigation of rice fields on two occasions per year, damage to one component of the irrigation network will still result in the disruption of the distribution of irrigation water. One consequence of damage to irrigation channels is the uneven distribution of water. The role of the Water User Farmers Association (P3A) has been effectively fulfilled. The role of P3A in Sindangkasih Village is indispensable to members and other farming communities for the management and maintenance of the irrigation system network.</p> Israwati Israwati, Anas Nikoyan, Putu Arimbawa Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/34 Wed, 04 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN INPUT TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS USAHATANI SAYURAN DI DESA LAMBUSA KECAMATAN KONDA KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/36 <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of input utilization on the productivity of kale vegetable cultivation in Lambusa Village, Konda Subdistrict, South Konawe District. The research population consisted of all vegetable farmers in Lambusa Village who cultivated kangkong plants, amounting to a total of 120 individuals. The sample was selected using a proportional random sampling technique, with 30% of the total population allocated to the sample, resulting in a sample size of 36 respondents. The sampling technique employed was simple random sampling. This research employs a quantitative methodology. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis with the assistance of questionnaires, which were administered via the media. The variables under investigation in this study are productivity and input usage. In this study, a quantitative descriptive analysis was employed. The formulas utilized in this study include the productivity formula, which was employed to ascertain the level of vegetable productivity, and the Coob-Douglas function analysis formula, which was utilized to determine the impact of input utilization on productivity. These calculations were conducted with the assistance of the SPSS 26 software. The results demonstrated that the average productivity of kale vegetables in Lambusa Village, Konda District, South Konawe Regency was 1.83, with a maximum yield of 2.5 kg/ha and a minimum yield of 1.25 kg/ha. It is evident that input use exerts an influence on production. Based on the six factors identified, it can be posited that five of them, namely land area (X1), seeds (X2), manure (X4), pesticides (X5), and labor (X6), have a significant impact on production. Conversely, the application of urea fertilizer (X3) has been found to have a negligible effect.</p> Fitri Hendriani, Anas Nikoyan, La Ode Kasno Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/36 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PEMETAAN SOSIAL DAN PARTISIPASI STAKEHOLDER DALAM PERENCANAAN PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN EKONOMI KOMUNITAS DI DESA MAPILA KECAMATAN KABAENA UTARA KABUPATEN BOMBANA https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/19 <p><em>This study aims to conduct socio-economic mapping of the community in Mapila Village, North Kabaena Sub-district, taking into account stakeholder perceptions as a basis for community economic development planning. The study used a qualitative descriptive method focusing on socio-economic conditions and stakeholders' perceptions, using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques, household surveys, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and semi-structured interviews. The research findings reveal important insights into the community's socio-economic conditions, stakeholder perceptions, and proposed development programmes, and emphasise the importance of collaboration between the government, private sector, and community in creating effective and sustainable development strategies. The research highlights the need to improve education facilities, health services, infrastructure and economic empowerment programmes to support sustainable development in Mapila Village.</em></p> Muhammad Aldin, Iskandar Zainudin Rela, Budiyanto Budiyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/19 Thu, 05 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ALIH USAHATANI PADI SAWAH KE TANAMAN JERUK NIPIS (Citrus auratifolia) DI DESA TRIDANA MULYA KECAMATAN LANDONO KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/37 <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the underlying factors that precipitate the transition from wet-rice farming to lime farming, as well as to examine the impact of such farming conversions among farmers in Tridana Mulya Village. The study population was comprised of two groups: a group of 31 lime farmers and a group of seven rice farmers. The sampling technique employed was the census method, which entailed the inclusion of the entire population, resulting in a research sample of 38 individuals (31 lime farmers and 7 rice paddy farmers). Data were collected through the use of interview techniques, observation, and documentation of media sources in the form of questionnaires. The variables under investigation are the factors that influence the transfer of farming and the impact of such transfer. The data were analyzed using a descriptive method and an income formula. The results demonstrated that the factors that precipitated the transition from paddy rice farming to lime farming were attributable to a confluence of production, economic, and cultivation-related considerations. The production yield factor of lime farming has demonstrated an increase in production compared to paddy rice farming in Tridana Mulya Village. In terms of economic factors, lime farming has been shown to yield higher profits for farmers than paddy rice farming. Additionally, the cultivation factors associated with lime farming are considerably more straightforward, as the land only requires processing once, due to the fact that lime is a long-term crop, in contrast to paddy rice farming, which is dependent on seasonal conditions. The impact of switching farms includes both economic and environmental consequences. From an economic standpoint, farmers' income may change after switching from paddy rice farming to lime crops. This is because lime crops may yield higher profits than paddy rice, depending on various factors. From an environmental standpoint, the lack of use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides in lime farming may reduce the impact on the environment. This is in contrast to the opposite condition observed in paddy rice farming.</p> Kadek Yuli Sulistyani, Anas Nikoyan, Putu Arimbawa Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/37 Mon, 09 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KOMODITAS PERTANIAN BASIS DI KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/38 <p>.<em>This study aimed to determine 1) the base agricultural commodities in South Konawe District, and 2) prospective agricultural commodities in South Konawe District. This research was conducted in South Konawe District using time series data for the last five years by considering that this area is one of the main commodity-producing centers. The data were analyzed descriptively by using the Location Quotient (LQ), Static Location Quotient (DLQ), and the combining LQ and DLQ analysis. The results showed that 1) the baec commodity in the last five years was in the food crops sub-sector, namely sweet potato compared to other commodities. The plantation sub-sector includes pepper, cashew, hybrid coconut, rubber and patchouli. The base commodities in the horticulture sub-sector of the vegetable group are shallots, cayenne pepper, cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, red beans, cucumbers, mustard greens and eggplant. While there are no base commodities in the fruits group and also in the livestock sub-sector, 2) there were no prospective commodities in the food crops sub-sector for the last four years. Each commodity and livestock population in the entire sub-sector becomes prospective in certain years, and 3) based on the interpretation of the base and prospective sectors, pepper plants have become a base and prospective plantation sub-sector commodity in the last four years. Meanwhile, there are no basic and prospective commodities in the last four years in the food crops sub-sector, horticulture of vegetables and fruit groups, as well as the livestock sub-sector, or in other words that in addition to the plantation sub-sector, commodities in other sub-sectors are the base and are prospective only in certain year.</em></p> Sukriawan Masi, Marsuki Iswandi, La Ode Kasno Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jippm.uho.ac.id/index.php/e_penyuluhan/article/view/38 Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000