About the Journal

Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (JIPPM)  (e-ISSN: 2775-7145) & p-ISSN: 3030-9298) is a journal published by the Department of Agricultural Extension, Halu Oleo University. Jurnal Ilmiah Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat is a vehicle for publishing scientific writings or works of scientific people whose fields of study meet the focus and scope of the Jurnal Ilmiah penyuluhan dan pengembangan Masyarakat. The focus and scope of the Jurnal Ilmiah penyuluhan dan pengembangan Masyarakat, includes:

  1. Agricultural Extension,
  2. Development Communication,
  3. Community Development and Empowerment,
  4. Agricultural Sociology and Anthropology,
  5. Human Resource Management,
  6. Agricultural Leadership and Institutions,
  7. Entrepreneurship and Agricultural Innovation Systems,
  8. Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture,
  9. Education and Learning Media,
  10. Community Capital,
  11. Agricultural and Rural Resilience,
  12. Human Ecology
  13. Agribusiness Communication, and
  14. Agricultural Communication and Digital Technology.